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sun worship.jpg

"Let There Be Light"

Ancient civilisations worshipped the Sun and the Gods they believed provided them with light and warmth .

They built temples and stone circles facing East to catch the light  and hold religious ceremonies on the Solstice dates in Summer and Winter.

These days you're lucky if you can find someone who knows the time of sunrise and sunset! 


We live indoors, and in Winter especially most of us rarely go out. Technology and the ability to work from home means some people don't see the light of day for days on end. The elderly are kept warm and cared for in institutions but rarely given the opportunity to get out in natural light and fresh air. All this to the detriment of physical and mental health.


We know that exposure to sunlight is needed for the body to synthesise Vitamin D, but what is less well known is the effect of natural light on hormonal balance, appetite regulation, glucose metabolism and bodyweight. 

Not to mention neurotransmitter production and mental health. Although 'SAD' has long been accepted as a treatable depression, with artificial 'daylight' therapy.






Full Light Spectrum

Our eyes can't see infra red or ultra violet light, but both are needed to maintain good health. In fact, red light from the red spectrum is used therapeutically for it's healing properties. You may have heard of infra red saunas or red light panels being used to successfully reduce inflammation and pain. 

Ultra violet is more well known for it's detrimental effect on the skin (sunburn), but is nonetheless necessary for the production of vitamin D and is used to treat skin conditions such as Acne and Eczema. Ironically it is also being used in therapies to treat skin cancers. 

So you have to ask yourself, are UV blockers in sunscreen such a great idea! 

Always get some natural light exposure before applying sunscreen and face creams with SPF content.

Interestingly exposure to more daylight increases Melanin, your body's natural skin protection.



You have to ask yourself, are UV blockers in sunscreen and skin care really such a great idea? 

Always get some natural light exposure before applying sunscreen and face creams with SPF content.

Interestingly exposure to more daylight increases Melanin, your body's natural skin protection.


You also need time without your sunglasses/glasses/contact lens; the light spectrum needs to penetrate the eyes to reach the light receptors which receive the light before transmitting signaling to the pineal and pituitary glands. The best times to actually look directly into the sun without damaging your retina is at sunrise and sunset. And actually it doesn't matter if it's cloudy, or your view of the sun is obscured by buildings or trees, the light rays are still entering your eyes.


We Are Light Beings

We are designed to receive light, and receive it we must in order to remain healthy.

Kirlian photography reveals biophotons (particles of light) emitted from the body, and indeed from all living things.

You may have heard of the human 'Aura' which can be photographed, and shows where areas of the body are lacking vitality, and need attention.

The more light we emit, the healthier we are, it is that simple. In order to emit more light we must receive more light, and eat foods which are also high in vital life giving energy.


For further information and research look up Dr Jack Kruse, Dr Konstantin Koratkov and the many fabulous podcast hosts out there who are interviewing these Pioneers of light and health research. 

Try this one for starters!



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