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Light, Frequency and Magnestism

Ancient civilisations knew the importance of living in tune with nature's rhythms to maintain good health.


From eating what was available in season, to rising with the Sun and planting seeds according to the phases of the Moon. 


Somewhere along the line Man decided he knew better, and we forgot Mother Nature with disastrous consequences to Human health and Planet Earth.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." --
Nikola Tesla.

Image by OC Gonzalez

Fortunately science is now waking up to the fact that Nature DOES have all the answers, and they really are as simple as Light, Frequency and Magnetism.


What does this mean exactly?

We need daily exposure to daylight outdoors in tune with our natural circadian rhythm.


There are some people living the new normal of working from home or night shifts who never get out in natural daylight for days, and this is having disastrous consequences on health. 


Weight gain, poor sleep and increased risk of cancer all associated with lack of daylight exposure... OUTDOORS.​​​​​​

Electromagnetism is the energy current in the body. We can measure this on ECG's (heart) and EEG's (brain). It is conducted via water; our body is around 65% water, with the brain being closer to 90%. So it's easy to understand why hydration plays a key role in our health.




Due to the body's electro-magnetic nature we are also a conductors of electromagnetic fields from outside the body. Hence frequencies are capable of both healing the body, or causing it harm, depending on the Hertz (Hz) measurement.


By simply connecting with the earth in bare feet we can reduce a build up of positive charge in the body which helps bring down inflammation and restore homeostatis, or balance.


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“Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.
Albert Einstein

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